Europa-Forum Wachau Be Part

- Austria / Krems
- 21st - 24th of June 2023
Programm will be announced soon!

Accomodation & costs?
How to get there?
Group Information
5 interested young people from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Czech Republic and Portugal
6 interested young people from France, Germany, Poland and Romania
7 interested young people from Hungary
9 interested young people from Austria
51 participants all together
Age: between 18 and 27 years (max. 30 years)
Each group should also bring one local politician from their home country (this person will does not count as one of the Group members and can be older than 30 years)
JUGENDHAUS Stift Göttweig
Accommodation and meals will be provided by the Europa-Forum Wachau.
Please bring a speciality (food or drinks) for an intercultural exchange – preferably national snacks – to present the country.
For your journey you receive a grant which varies in high depending on your distance to Austria:
France 275€
Poland 180€ / 848,32 PLN
Romania 275€ / 1353,69 RON
Hungary 180€ / 71058,63 HUF
Portugal 360€
Czech Republic 180€ / 4583,65 CZK
Germany 180€
Bosnia-Herzegovina 275€ / 351,55 BAM
Austria 23€
Arrival by car
Option one:
Highway A1 from Vienna (60 km) / or coming from Salzburg (220 km) to St. Pölten – take the exit to Krems and leave the highway in Mautern – then follow the street signs leading you up to Stift Göttweig.
Option two:
Highway S 5 from Vienna (85 km) to Traismauer – take the exit to Krems and leave the highway in Mautern– then follow the street signs leading you up to Stift Göttweig
Arrival by train or bus
From Vienna & Salzburg:
Westbahn to St. Pölten – change to the train to „Paudorf“ or to „Furth bei Göttweig“
From Vienna:
take the Franz-Josefs-Bahn to Krems – then change to the train to „Furth bei Göttweig“ or „Paudorf“, bus to Göttweig Abbey.
If the distance allows it, the cheapest option would be to rent a bus for your group (e.g. to rent a minibus). This option is also the one we would prefer you would consider. Additionally, it would be the most useful option for you to travel around – you can visit the Wachau or maybe you want to go to Vienna on Saturday afternoon etc.),
To-do list
erasmus_plus_participantlist – please fill in the Excel-sheet & send it to
Please keep in mind that you have to keep every ticket, gas bill, boarding pass etc. – otherwise we cannot pay for your travel costs and stay!
At the end of your journey, we need the completed form and the proof of all the costs costs from each of the participants.
Get in touch
There are some things we would like to ask you to do beforehand & to think of when travelling to Austria:
– Please send us the participant list (fill in the added Excel-sheet)
– Prepare your pitch for the youth event
– 1 pitch per country, max. 2 presenters per pitch
– topic: tba
– sequence: presentation should not last longer than 2 minutes
– you will present in front of a jury consisting of politicians, industrialists and start-up experts
– Bring your own laptop, tablet, smatphone, etc. to the event
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us (!
If you would like to expand your stay in Austria, we would suggest to stay in Vienna for a maximum of 2 extra nights.
These 2 extra nights have to be fully organized and payed for by yourself. The Erasmus+ program doesn’t allow a longer stay because if you stayed longer, you wouldn’t count as a project participant anymore. We wouldn’t receive any refund for you and therefore couldn’t hand over any financial support to you.