Alexandra Kautzky-Willer

Alexandra Kautzky-Willer

Professor of Gender Medicine. Head of the Gender Medicine Unit and the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the Medical University of Vienna

In Europe, women live about 5 years longer than men; however, the loss of healthy life years is higher in women than men in Austria, similar to many other European countries. Women are more likely to suffer from neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders, autoimmune diseases and painful and socially disabling disorders. There is also a large variability in health status amongst various regions in Europe, mostly due to environmental and sociocultural factors and lifestyle differences. Comparing the major causes of death in Europe, men are more likely to die from cancer, injuries and poisoning whereas 38% of women, but only 33% of men, die from cardiovascular diseases. Sex and gender differences affect the entire medical spectrum – from health-related behaviors and prevention through symptoms, disease, and diagnosis to therapy and rehabilitation. Historically, medical research and care have been centred on male physiology. From the endeavor to consider humans in a more differentiated manner, gender medicine developed. It is the first and most important step towards patient-centered, individualized medicine. The women's health resort la pura, which offers innovative concepts for the prevention of specific conditions in women based on the latest findings in gender medicine, in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna, provides an innovative model for the practical implementation of gender medicine in women.
Alexandra Kautzky-Willer war bisher bei einer unserer Veranstaltungen zu Gast.
