Europa-Forum Wachau 1996

14.06.1996 - 16.06.1996

“The Ensemble and its Parts”


  • Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria)
    “Identity and Importance of the Regions in a new Europe”
  • Dr. Kajo Schommer (Minister for Economy and Labour of Saxony)
    “Europe as a Chance for Regions”
  • Dr. Otto Wiesheu (Minister for Economy, Transport and Technology of Bavaria)
    “Regions – the essential Building Blocks of Europe”

Working Groups

  1. Common Security Policy
  2. The Importance of the Regions
  3. Economic- and Monetary Union
  4. EU-Intergovernmental Conference
  5. European Culture and Identity


  • Jean Luc Dehaene (Prime Minister Belgium)
    “Unity and Plurality – Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century.”
  • Wolfgang Schüssel (Vize Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs)

Wolfgang Schüssel

Außenminister, Vizekanzler

Dr. Otto Wiesheu

Bayerischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie

Dr. Kajo Schommer

Sächsischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Landeshauptmann von Niederösterreich

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