Europa-Forum Wachau 2003

28.06.2003 - 29.06.2003

“The future of the European Union: New chances through internal reform and enlargement”

‘The vote for EU Accession was not a choice between alternatives. It was the final reckoning with communism.’
Vladimir Spidla, 2003

‘Europe is a process, a project that needs continuous development.’
Wolfgang Schüssel, 2003

Saturday, June 28th

“Towards an enlarged Union: a regional perspective”

  • Erwin Pröll
    Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
  • Benita Ferrero-Waldner
    Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vienna
  • Dimitrij Rupel
    Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana
  • Cyril Svoboda
    Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Prague

Working Groups

  1. A Europe of common values – where are its geographical borders?
  2. Foreign and Security Policy of an enlarged Union
  3. Enlargement of the EU: New opportunities for business and agriculture
  4. Regional and cross-border co-operation with the new partner

Sunday, June 29th

“The future of the European Union: New chances through internal reform and enlargement”

  • Erwin Pröll
    Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
  • Vladimír Špidla
    Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Prague
  • Wolfgang Schüssel
    Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Dr. Erwin Pröll

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Landeshauptfrau von Niederösterreich

Benita Ferrero-Waldner

Bundesminister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Landeshauptmann von Niederösterreich

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