Eichtinger and Bohuslav: Lower Austria pays one euro into the EU budget and receives three times as much back in subsidies
The third salon of the new Europa-Forum Wachau format, this time on the topic of "Branding: The power of the brand", was very well received yesterday. More than 200 guests accepted the invitation of EU Provincial Councillor and EFW President Martin Eichtinger and came to the Casino Baden near Vienna. Successful branding and how the EU can be perceived even more strongly as a brand in the future were discussed by Petra Bohuslav, State Councillor for Economic Affairs, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner (Casinos Austria AG and Österreichische Lotterien GmbH), Gertraud Schrattenecker (Danube University Krems), Petra Stolba (Österreich Werbung) and Gerhard Schilling (Almdudler).
"Do good and talk about it"
"As an ardent European, it is a matter close to my heart that Europe is perceived even more strongly as a brand. However, the heartbeat of Europe should continue to pulsate and be felt in the regions. We want to learn from the best, which is why exchanging ideas with successful brands is particularly important to us. We need to move away from negative thinking in Europe and towards a stronger blue-yellow awareness. The EU does an enormous amount for our daily lives. Lower Austria pays one euro into the EU budget, but receives three times as much back in funding, totalling around 500 million euros a year. In line with the motto 'Do good and talk about it', we need to strengthen communication on the extensive EU projects even more in order to further increase trust in Europe," said Martin Eichtinger, Provincial Councillor for the EU.
Lower Austria has established itself as a brand
"In recent years, Lower Austria has managed to grow into a self-confident region that creates trust and solidarity within the region and has a high recognition value as a brand throughout Europe. Good branding therefore has a positive effect on the economic, touristic and social development of a region," said Martin Eichtinger and Provincial Councillor Petra Bohuslav.
The Europa Forum Wachau with its salons has been opened up to citizens in order to promote dialogue more intensively. "The Europa Forum Wachau is now broader, younger and more digital. The involvement of municipalities and citizens is very important to me in order to shape Europe together for the future," says Eichtinger.
Innovative mobile phone voting integrated as a survey tool
The salon in Baden is one of a total of six salons in the run-up to the main Europa Forum Wachau event, which aims to gather citizens' opinions on current European political developments. Participants' decisions on current topics will be polled using mobile phone voting, scientifically processed by Danube University Krems and incorporated directly into the Europa Forum Wachau from 13-15 June 2019.
The next Salon Europa Forum Wachau will take place in Krems on 7 May 2019 on the topic of "New Work".