Visionaries from the Europa-Forum Wachau met in Brussels to discuss the future of Europe.
Brussels (20.3.2024) Yesterday, the Europa-Forum Wachau, together with the Minister for European Affairs Karoline Edtstadler and the President of the Europa-Forum Wachau Martin Eichtinger a networking event for European visionaries at the Lower Austrian Liaison Office in Brussels.
At the meeting of Lower Austrians who are passionate about Europe, who want to develop the EU further and who carry Lower Austria in their hearts, visions for a Europe of the future were developed and exchanged together in a cosy atmosphere after inspiring presentations.
After a successful start in Mistelbach in the Weinviertel and in Pfaffstätten in the Industrieviertel, further networking meetings are taking place throughout Lower Austria, now also in Brussels as well as in the Mostviertel and Waldviertel. In order to exchange ideas, stay in contact and contribute to the development of Europe in the run-up to the next European Forum, the "EFW Visionaries" has launched a new network format. This network is intended to establish itself as an additional communication platform for interested citizens to exchange views on European issues in Europe, alongside the Wachau Europe Forum at Campus Krems and Göttweig Abbey and the salons previously known in the citizen participation process.
Quote from Karoline Edtstadler:
"In view of the numerous challenges facing the European Union today - from wars and conflicts on our borders to the climate and energy crisis - the EU must face up to essential reforms. The direction of these reforms is set by the citizens, who are very actively involved in the further development of the EU, especially in Austria; be it within the framework of the EU Conference on the Future, the initiative of the European Community Councils or the Wachau European Forum with its numerous formats and events.
Especially in the year of the European elections, it is important to make our common Europe strong for the coming decades. I want a Europe that prioritises its geopolitical interests and refocuses on its economic power. The EU should not remain the world champion of bureaucracy and over-regulation, but should become a champion of competitiveness and innovation. A new EU Commission should make this its priority."
Quote from Martin Eichtinger:
"The Europa-Forum Wachau has always seen itself as a forum for forward thinking. If we want to maintain and secure our European model of living in the future, we need creativity, inventiveness, innovation, courage and self-confidence. We want to invite committed Lower Austrians, also in Brussels, as EFW Visionaries, to participate in the future process of the Europa-Forum Wachau and to help determine the future course of Europe. Because the motto of this year's Europa-Forum Wachau "Rebooting Europe" must be the programme for the new EU institutions to be constituted after the European elections in 2024."
Photo credits: Elio Germani