European Forum Wachau 1997

20.06.1997 - 22.06.1997

"The Enlargement of the Union - Fundamental Question for Europe"


  • Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten)
    "Lower Austria's Chances in a Larger Europe"
  • Anibal Cavaco Silva (Former Prime Minister, Lisbon)
    "The Enlargement of the European Union"
  • Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Warsaw)
    "The Europe of the 21st Century - the Human Factor"

Working Groups

  1. New Members - New Structures
  2. Enlargement and the European Security Architecture
  3. The Common Europe and the Security of the Citizens
  4. An Enlarged International Market - Common Currency - Opportunities and Risks


  • Karl Lamers (Member of the German Bundestag)
    "The Union on the Threshold of Enlargement"
  • Arpad Göncz (President of the Republic of Hungary)
    "After 1989 - Onwards to the Reunification of Europe"
  • Wolfgang Schüssel (Vice Chancellor, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vienna)
    "European Perspectives"