European Forum Wachau 2005

04.06.2005 - 05.06.2005

"Perspectives for the future - Europe one Year after Enlargement"

'I much prefer the worries pertaining to enlargement to those at the time of the Iron Curtain with its lack of perspectives'.
Erwin Pröll, 1999

Saturday, June 4th

"Europe of the 25 - New Perspectives for Regional Partnerships"

  • Erwin Pröll
    Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
  • Ursula Plassnik
    Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vienna
  • Abdulla Gül
    Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara
  • Vuk Draškovic
    Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro, Belgrade

Working Groups

  1. The Contribution of the New Member States to the Common Foreign and Security Policy
  2. Regional Cooperation across Internal and External Borders of the European Union
  3. New Impetus to Strengthen the Regions' Economic Power and their Sustainable Development
  4. Common Values in Cultural Diversity as the Foundation of a European Identity

Sunday, June 5th

"What Kind of Europe"

  • Erwin Pröll
    Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
  • Janez Janša
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana
  • Wolfgang Schüssel
    Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Europa-Forum Wachau 2005Europa-Forum Wachau 2005Europa-Forum Wachau 2005Europa-Forum Wachau 2005Europa-Forum Wachau 2005

Alle Bilder anzeigen

Vuk Draškovic

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Abdulla Gül

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ursula Plassnik

Federal Minister for European and International Affairs

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