3rd Salon EFW - Online transmission


East meets west - European enlargement policy in the area of conflicting political interests

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The accession process of South Eastern Europe to the European Union was one of the priorities of the Austrian EU Presidency in 2018. It is important to continue the process of rapprochement between the states of South Eastern Europe. Austria is closely linked to South Eastern Europe, historically - culturally and economically. Additionally, Austria is one of the largest investors in this region. Furthermore, it is from tremendous interest to ensure our countries security by connecting with the states of Southeastern Europe and thus to ensure stability. The European Union has different opinions on the enlargement issue. There is, however, an agreement that the political and economic influences exerted on this region by states outside Europe must be held in check. We want to examine the question of how a common path can look like from these various aspects, one that will support the further development of Europe in the best possible way.

We want to examine the questions how this common path could look like.

Program details

19.30 Start of the online broadcast

In dialogue:

Martin EichtingerRegional Councillor and President of Europa-Forum Wachau
Günther OfnerManaging Director, Flughafen Wien AG
Barbara Ascher, Vice President of the Federation of Austrian Industries Lower Austria
Claudia CrawfordKonrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vienna, Head of Multilateral Dialogue

Panel discussion:

Martin Selmayr, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria
Monika Mott, OeAD, Head of Department International Locations and Language
Hannes HecherManaging Director/CEO, Schiebel Elektronische Geraete GmbH
Doris BurgerResearch Associate and Course Director - Centre for Special Business Administration, Danube University Krems


Martin Gebhart, Chronicle Department Head of the daily newspaper "Kurier"


Important note: this registration only entitles you to participate online.



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Doris Burger, 3rd Salon EFW - Online transmission

Doris Burger

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Lehrgangsleiterin – Zentrum für Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre Donau-Universität Krems

Hannes Hecher, 3rd Salon EFW - Online transmission

Hannes Hecher

Schiebel Elektronische Geraete GmbH

Monika Mott

Monika Mott

Leiterin Abteilung Auslandsstandorte und Sprache

Martin Selmayr, 3rd Salon EFW - Online transmission

Martin Selmayr

Leiter der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Österreich

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